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Hello and welcome to our blog! We’re Amanda and Grady, wedding and lifestyle photographers based in North Carolina. Grab a coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy browsing our most recent work and our latest life updates from NC!

Bruce Turns 1: A Personal Story

Grady and I got the call that Laura Beth was in labor on the night of November 11, 2012. This was just a few hours shy of our one year anniversary of marriage. Grady hopped out of bed and headed right over to stay with Jay and Luke while their parents went to the hospital. Bruce was born on November 12 and was the cutest little 10 pound (is that an oxymoron) bundle of sweetness! It was so fun to celebrate our anniversary that first year welcoming our new nephew into the world! I can hardly believe a whole year has passed since then, but then again I can. I barely blink and months have passed but it makes me ever more grateful to pursue a passion in which you can freeze moments in time. Happy Birthday to the happiest baby I know, Bruce! www.fivecopper.com www.fivecopper.comwww.fivecopper.comwww.fivecopper.comwww.fivecopper.com

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