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Hello and welcome to our blog! We’re Amanda and Grady, wedding and lifestyle photographers based in North Carolina. Grab a coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy browsing our most recent work and our latest life updates from NC!

5 Things: Some Advice to Year Ago Me, Part 2

Hi, Grady here, Amanda’s husband. Amanda asked (told) me to come up with five pieces of advice or lessons learned that I would tell myself if I could go back in time and here they are: 1. Don’t go at it alone. Starting a business is an immensely daunting task. It’s a whole lot easier, and more rewarding, when done along side someone you love and respect. It doesn’t have to be your spouse, but two minds are better than one. Which leads me to number 2… 2. You will be wrong! You are going to fall into the “I got this” syndrome. You will put on blinders and get determined to figure things out all by yourself. I reckon it’s a pride thing. Soon you will learn that listening and receiving advice will only benefit your business. Input from friends, colleagues and industry peers is invaluable to the growth of your business. 3. Starting a business is much more than an idea, skill, service or product. It can be super fun and exciting to do what you love, but there will be parts that are not so fun too. Accounting, organizing, taxes, records, licenses, taxes, fees, memberships, taxes, expenses, insurance, budgeting…did I say taxes? The “nuts and bolts” of business may not be the most exciting part, but it sure is vital. And hey after a while you kind of start to like some of them! 4. Be flexible. By all means, please pursue your dreams and goals! But, along the way, if something isn’t working you have to be willing to let it go or make a change. Don’t let your stubbornness get in the way of your success. When you started this thing, you both had ideas of what it would be. And honestly, it’s played out pretty close. But, it’s definitely different as well…and that’s a good thing! 5. Challenge yourself. Don’t ever think “this is good enough.” The learning never stops, and that’s a good thing. Always be willing to educate and challenge your skills. Look to those whose work you admire and aim higher. What I would tell anyone in general in life or in business is to stay inspired! Look, we’d all like to think we’ll have fresh ideas everyday. But that ain’t happening. You’re going to hit walls a lot. It’s frustrating. Surround yourself with things that inspire you…literally. Here are a few things I keep around to keep me inspired!

  • A coffee mug made by my high school YL leader Andy Farkas (he’s an awesome artist, check him out). He really challenged me to break out of my shell and be myself and I’ll always be thankful for his friendship.
  • Original Disney World concept art sketches by Herbert Ryman, mouse ears burned in my desk, and Walt Disney’s bio (Disney geek, guilty). When I think back on my childhood, that’s where I really discovered my imagination. Walt never stopped, kept stretching the rules and making it happen. He literally invented techniques to make his dreams happen.
  • A Tom’s flag to remind me that whatever I do should be giving back in some way.
  • James Taylor album. Music!
  • A picture of Amanda. Duh! She inspires me more than any other; her passion, drive and love keep me going.
  • A cross. I want to be constantly reminded that the love of Christ and his grace to me is the highest inspiration.
Inspiration BoardExcuse the sad photos. We decided to have an impromptu date night instead of taking awesome pictures of our inspiration board. It was totally worth it!


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