For the longest time I’ve been dropping subtle (ahem, not so subtle) hints about my desire to have a puppy. I’ve always been a dog person. Grady has never owned pets, so the idea of sharing our home with a wild beast took some careful consideration for him. One day, I was paroosing (is that even a real word) through good ole facebook and our pal Seth had put up a photo of the tiniest black and tan puppy that his mom had found in her yard. Shortly following was an equally adorable video. (A video?! What the heck Seth are you trying to send me into an adorable induced fit of hyperactive awwwwwwwwwwing. Well, if you were, mission accomplished!) I immediately showed Grady said video and he thought said puppy, and I quote, “was really cute!” To my surprise, we started talking about what life with a puppy would be like. I gave him all the warnings: they don’t come house trained, they like to eat your stuff, we’ll have to get up early and walk her. I wanted everyone in our home to be happy and I wanted to make sure Grady was fully ready for puppyhood. However, even with all of my warnings, he still wanted to go meet her. So, we set up an appointment to go see this sweet pup and learn more about her. When we arrived, she came out of her little room and it was an instabond. She was so sweet. We didn’t want to commit right then while we were overcome by her sweet little face, so we went to grab dinner and talk about it. By the night’s end we decided, “Penny” was to be a new addition to our family. The next day (Valentine’s Day) we went and got all the pet ready things we needed and set off to pick up Penny. Best Valentine ever! She was a little timid when we first brought her home: scared to go in and out of doors, unsure of her food bowls too (she could see her reflection in them). Now, she is a new woman. She has an affinity for paper products (tissues, toilet paper, toilet paper rolls, paper towels, tissue paper, wrapping paper). If it’s made of paper, she will try to eat it. She loves playing with her toys and has made all kind of neighborhood dog friends. She loves sleeping on her big bed, but sometimes falls off of it in her sleep (it’s really funny). Here are a few photos from our first few weeks with Penny! She has brought so much joy to our lives. I’m sure there will be plenty more of these in coming weeks!
She loves a bird!
Working on my tricks.
First bath…definitely not the last.
Puppy play date with her friend Dulce. She loves to give kisses.
Enjoying her new puppy bed.
Learning how to walk on a leash.
Oh I’m a dog, allow me to prove it by barking at your camera.
Hi, I’m the cutest thing ever!
These are squeal worthy! SO CUTE!!! I wish we could get ours to sit still long enough to do something like this. 🙂
She is adorable! Great photos, too. Mine always come up to me when I try to take a picture! Congratulations on your new addition.