Month: March 2014

5 Things: Some Advice to Year Ago Me, Part 2

5 Things: Some Advice to Year Ago Me, Part 2

Hi, Grady here, Amanda’s husband. Amanda asked (told) me to come up with five pieces of advice or lessons learned that I would tell myself if I could go back in time and here they are: 1. Don’t go at it alone. Starting a business is an immensely daunting task. It’s a whole lot easier, […]

Five Things: Some Advice to Year Ago Me, Part 1

Five Things: Some Advice to Year Ago Me, Part 1

After what has been a crazy, joy filled year of lessons learned, I started thinking about what I might tell myself if I could go back in time. This probably comes from my mild obsession with the movie, Back To The Future. This is going to be a two-part-series, so stay tuned for tomorrow when […]

Welcome Penny

Welcome Penny

For the longest time I’ve been dropping subtle (ahem, not so subtle) hints about my desire to have a puppy. I’ve always been a dog person. Grady has never owned pets, so the idea of sharing our home with a wild beast took some careful consideration for him. One day, I was paroosing (is that […]