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Hello and welcome to our blog! We’re Amanda and Grady, wedding and lifestyle photographers based in North Carolina. Grab a coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy browsing our most recent work and our latest life updates from NC!

Five Things: Some Advice to Year Ago Me, Part 1

After what has been a crazy, joy filled year of lessons learned, I started thinking about what I might tell myself if I could go back in time. This probably comes from my mild obsession with the movie, Back To The Future. This is going to be a two-part-series, so stay tuned for tomorrow when Grady gives his year ago self some advice! So here it goes… 1. Don’t compare your newbie work to someone’s absolute best. Comparison is the thief of joy. Photography blogs are totally awesome and inspirational, but you just got your camera like a week ago, so it’s ok if Jose Villa isn’t calling you tomorrow to intern (though if he did, you better make that happen girlfriend)! 2. On a technical note, presets are not the key to speedy editing. Consistent shooting and defining your style are they keys to speedy edits. Defining your style isn’t going to happen overnight, but give it time you will get there! Focus on figuring out the why. Why do you like certain photos? Why did that choice equal better results? What is it? Proverbs 29:18 says: Where there is no vision, the people perish. Try visioning your photos and then try to make them happen. Oh and also Lightroom is going to be your BFF in the speedy workflow department! 3. Don’t give up exercising. Your business is super important but so is a balanced life. This is going to be really tough since you’re working full time and starting a business, so have grace on yourself if you miss a few days, but don’t totally stop. Walking is encouraged. Fresh air is good for the soul! Oh and while, we’re on the subject of grace, that laundry that you have a real tough time folding in a timely manner, just let it go. It’s ok that you never folded it and wore the t-shirts right out of the pile. 4. Some days you will feel like a total phony. People will call you a photographer, a filmmaker, a writer, an artist or whatever it is that you do. When that happens, you will want to cry because it doesn’t seem like you deserve to be called that. There will be a lot of fear that first year and a lot of doubt. But, the truth of the matter is that it’s not really about what you do, it’s about who you are. So, push through and keep creating. Embrace your messy hair and your love for Jesus and Thai Food! Remember your why. It is your joy to capture moments and make a difference in the lives of families because love is totally worth fighting for. You’ve got a good why and what you do (photography and filmmaking) is just a bi-product of who you are and an opportunity to serve the Lord. So just keep pushing and learning and growing, you’ll get there! 5. And along those same lines, keep it real – not like in the sassy sense of the way, but you know keep it authentic. This is your beautiful business baby. You get to make it your own and it’s ok to love your clients to pieces and to say no sometimes. It’s ok that some days are hard and some days are so exciting you can’t stand it! It’s ok to admit out loud that you got so excited about a shoot that you wore your shirt inside out. Being honest is totally refreshing!

Five Copper Selfie

These are pictures I found on my iPhone of the date day that Grady and I were on the day we decided to start our business. After a day of seeing the Titanic Exhibit at the Natural History Museum in Raleigh, I guess the natural thing to do is to decide to start living your dream. I think I took a selfie to show my new haircut to my bff and no Grady doesn’t normally stick his tongue out in photos.


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